By:  David Othus


“Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment.” ~Baltasar Gracian


Some talents and abilities that you have are obvious to others and yourself. Maybe you are a gifted musician or painter. Maybe you’re a math wiz or talented cook.


There are, however, advantages you can use in your work and life that you have honed overtime and may not even realize it.


If you take the time to discover what advantages or unique skillset you have that is different from your coworkers, you can bring more to your team or work environment.

You can use your advantage to your advantage and everyone else’s, as well


So, how do you discover your “hidden” advantages?


There are many ways, but let’s talk about a few….


Listen and Evaluate

Pay attention to the positive things others are saying about you. Do customers talk about how friendly and personable you are? Do coworkers tell you how good you are at simplifying complex information or training new employees?


Compliments and feedback can give you a lot of insight into your “hidden” advantages.


What’s Easy?

What comes to you easier than it seems to come to other people? Is there an aspect to your job that you enjoy and are great at?


If there is a task that is easy for you that you find interesting and engaging, it’s likely in line with one of your advantages. We enjoy doing things we are naturally good at because it gives us a sense of control and accomplishment.


Maybe you are faster at imputing data than everyone else, blessed with an analytical mind. Maybe you are great at organizing or leading a group when others are more withdrawn.


What’s easy, what do you enjoy most?


Ask A Variety of People

On top of listening to compliments and feedback, sometimes it works best just to ask.

If you are struggling to find your hidden advantage, ask! Ask, not just one person, but also a variety. Ask a variety of people that have seen you perform in different circumstances, from family and friends, to coworkers and employees.


Often, something that just seems normal or easy to you, others see as a great skill that not everyone possesses. The people around you can see hidden talents that maybe you hadn’t noticed as one of your abilities.


Rock Those Skills!

Everyone has different skills to offer. You can learn what your hidden advantages are and bring them out into the limelight. Then, you rock out your part in a way that will bring efficiency and joy to everyone.


Learn your hidden advantages, and well, take advantage of them!


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