By:  David Othus


“Happenings in life depend on your attitude. Stay positive, speak the language of the heart with love, compassion & forgiveness.” ~Anil Siinha


Everyone goes through challenges in life. Many people have similar experiences and difficulties, yet live drastically different lives. Some take the seemingly disadvantages and use them to learn, grow, and improve. Others struggle desperately to overcome and are left with far less than a happy existence.


What makes the difference?


We cannot always control circumstances, but we can control how we choose to react, our attitude.


How An Attitude of Love Can Change Your World


Changing from an attitude of criticism and victimization to one of love and acceptance can change your heart and positively impact all around you.


Maybe that grocery store clerk, that seemed rude to you, just lost her best friend to cancer. Maybe that bus driver that refused to say “good morning” is in the middle of a divorce and brutal custody battle. Maybe that sales clerk, that didn’t offer to help, is just have a really bad day.


Can we give others the break they need from a place of love?


When we go through challenging times, we can use them to become bitter or more loving. Challenges can teach us empathy. Coming from a place of love and understanding, with everyone we meet, changes our own hearts and others.


Think of how different the world would be if we stopped taking things personally. If we would take the time to realize when someone else is in need of a smile or kind, encouraging word.


It Starts with Us


Getting through the challenges of life with a loving attitude towards others begins with ourselves. We must first give ourselves some of that love and compassion to be filled, so we can then pass it on.


We, after all, cannot give what we do not have.


As Jack Kornfield said,

“If your compassion does not include yourself, it is incomplete.”


By seeking to understand ourselves with love and warmth, we can then pass that understanding and kindness to everyone. Each person you meet is an opportunity to practice a loving attitude. From family, friends, and colleagues to the service men and women, and strangers on the street. Everyone is having a different experience. Even a smile given with love is a great gift.


What You Can Do


Look at yourself with a loving attitude. Look at yourself in your entirety; flaws, mistakes, and success have all made you the amazing person you are. Give yourself love, compassion, and understanding. Feel it at your deep heart’s core. Fill your whole being with love and then you will radiate it out to all around you.


Who knows, your loving attitude my just change a life!



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