A Better Way to Live

By:  David Othus


It is indeed human nature to want to be independent; we were raised with the ideology that when we want something done we should do it ourselves and asking for help is a sign of weakness, as such, we tend to never ask for help, even when we need it the most. However, the saying “no man is an island alone unto itself” holds true, we indeed need others to survive.

Pretend the world was a soccer game; your goal is on the opposite end of the field, your 11 man opponents are roadblocks you will face as you traverse to your dreams and the ball is an extension of you, your hopes and your ideas. If you were alone on that field, what are the odds that you would make it through all 11 opponents and put the ball in the back of that net, without help? Those odds are not very high are they? But if you had your teammates, people you trusted with that ball, people you know have the same goal you have, to get the ball in the back of that net, if you had help, those 11 opponents wouldn’t seem so scary. If someone comes to tackle you, you could pass the ball and know that your teammate would have your back.

It’s the same thing is real life. The more help you have, the easier and quicker it is to achieve anything. Also remember that you aren’t the only one in the world that needs help and you cannot expect to get help if you aren’t also willing to help others.

We are often guilty of focusing exclusively on our own goals and our own success that we forget to care about somebody else and we neglect to support their progress as well. According to Dr. Melanie Greenberg, a Clinical Psychologist, truly successful people know that doing it all alone can only take you so far. Our brains are wired for connections so we need support to deal with disappointments that will arise on the road to success, much like a soccer game.

Getting help can also result in building a bridge to cross a river you haven’t seen yet. In other words, you may meet someone who has travelled this road before you and can offer you some wisdom and advice; you won’t have to be bitten by the snake to learn that it is poisonous. So never be afraid to ask for help, they might even think of something that would have never crossed your mind.

Also, never hesitate to offer your help and advice to someone whose goals are similar to yours, you both could get to the opposite end of that field much quicker. Together we can accomplish much more and survive through more than any one person can alone. Two heads are really better than one.


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